Jay Mompre Talks Miami Roots, Life Mottos, And The Music Industry In Exclusive Q&A

Jay Mompre Talks Miami Roots, Life Mottos, And The Music Industry In Exclusive Q&A

In an exclusive Q&A, Jay Mompre discusses growing up in Miami, his life motto, and his take on the music industry. Learn about the artist behind the “Love One Another” video, released on June 12, in this insightful interview.

What can you tell us about coming up in Miami, FL?

    Miami is a great place to be. I grew up in North Miami Beach and it was fun. I remember playing basketball outside with my little brothers with our next neighbor. We didn’t have concrete, so we would play in the dirt or on rocks but it was still fun. We had our own mango tree that we would eat from which was cool, especially in the summer. And of course going to church as a kid was fun as well.

    “Love One Another” is a very personal song. What inspired you to write it and what was that process like?

    It all started with the earthquake that happened in Haiti in 2009. Seeing all those images of people dying or being trapped made it impossible to sleep. Then the tsunami in Japan, the same thing happened again, where I couldn’t sleep just thinking about what people were going through and what I would do if I was in that situation. Then in 2022 some else happened, it wasn’t a natural disaster but it was something similar to where people died.

    This time instead of laying in bed trying to sleep knowing that I was never going to, I went to the studio. Everything that was on my mind, got spilled on the song. The first lines in the song says everything, “There’s something in my heart that I really need to share. I’ve seen more than enough that my eyes cannot bear”

    What’s a life motto you try to live by?

    In the end. We only regret the chances that we didn’t take.

    What’s the biggest lesson you can share for other indie artists trying to make it?

    Just believe in yourself. When no one sees your vision, what you’re trying to do or where you want to go. So it’s on you to believe in yourself.

    What’s your take on the industry today?

    It’s a little scary. There’s so much people out there that you think you can trust or you think have your best interest but it’s the complete opposite. So you kind of have to walk on eggshells in this industry. I love music but you got to accept that’s how the industry is.

    Any shoutouts?

    Shoutout to my little brothers group called “Careless Vibez”. Hopefully they become the biggest group in the world someday. 


    Yoel Molina Law

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